Monday, May 7, 2007

Rethinking the definition of Slavery

Civilization is funny when it comes to Slavery! It's like the shifting fashion... you wear the same cloth, but by changing the styles. Coz, new styles always look good and old styles look hilarious!

Once upon a time, not very long ago, 'Slavery' was perfectly all right even (or mainly) to the educated people. Now we shiver when we think of that cruelty! We have definitely come a long way from that brutal practice!

Anyway, I recently read a definition of 'slave' in the wikipedia. Sharing it with you, just adding some comments in the brackets to compare how much we have shifted from that medieval slavery to modern servants...

"Slaves are held against their will from the time of their capture, purchase, or birth,...

[that is, when the parents or suppliers hand over the little kids to us as worker, obviously against their will]

and are deprived of the right to leave ...

[some people literally tie them up in the kitchen or in the bathroom... common news in the dailies],

to refuse to work ...

[common news... families beating/burning little kids with hot 'khuntis'],

or to receive compensation in return for their labour ...

[well we do let our little workers sleep from late night to very early in the morning, except when we awake them to bring us a glass of water in the night... does it count as compensation?].

As such, slavery is one form of unfree labour...

[what is a 'free labour' anyway? The labour now we get for almost free from these little kids?]"

Civilization! You do the same thing, just changing the style.

I wonder what the future generation will think of us after hundred years!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Long time no update! Hope all is well, do share your views now and then on what's going on.