Friday, May 4, 2007

Three Dilemmas that Ended DMY’s Political Mission

First: Fear of ‘Better Promoting the Worst’
Suppose DMY has formed a better political party, now who would the progressive people vote for? Obviously a considerable fraction (who has been voting for the ‘less-worse’ these years) would vote for DMY. This would mean splitting up and subsequent weakening of the ‘progressive vote bank’.

But it would be hard for a better candidate to divide the voters of the ‘worst’. These voters have all along been voting for ‘the worst’ without thinking of who is less-worse! The ultimate result is a ‘divided progressive vote bank’ against a ‘united retrogressive vote bank’. The Worst wins!

So let’s just say, many critics really did not want another Ralph Nader at this point!

Second: With or Without Army?
Apparently DMY’s initial advocate and potency was the Army. The dilemma is, DMY wanted to capitalize the benefit of this army support, but on the other hand, wanted a clean image of a non-army party? Why would army let the reward go to other’s pocket, when it had to take the sole risk of a legal-coup? Eventually, army had it enough and started showing apathy to DMY (or was it the other way round?)!

Third: Betrayal of the Opportunists!
For last decades, it was only the businessmen and politicians who always thought that the other side enjoys all the opportunities. Towards the end, the businessmen became politicians, and politicians became businessmen.

Then suddenly appeared this new group of ‘wannabes’ (some elite NGO activists, economists, researchers, ex-bureaucrats) who all wanted to become politicians. For these ‘wannabe opportunists’, DMY was a lucrative platform! So, they became the forerunners of DMY mission!

However, a closer look at the lives of these opportunists suggests, they never put their own stake at risk!
They never protested the army-dictators of 70s and 80s (interestingly, they emerged only after the autocratic era); they were not vocal against the post-election attack on the minorities (I hate to use this word though); they did not protest the pre-emergency political anarchy, as they were too busy day-dreaming of a Bangladesh in 2020/21!

No wonder DMY finally realized that, “those who encouraged me will not join politics themselves and will not publicly support me because they have their own problems,"!

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